Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I’m back.

At least, what I mean to say is that I’m back in Africa. And writing my blog.

You currently find me in DRC, short for the much wordier mouthful of The Democratic Republic of Congo (not to be confused with the Republic of Congo). I’m here with my friend Suz who is staying for six months with our Australia HOPE International partners Mozart and Sephora Kile. I’ve already been here for a couple of weeks and will head back to Mbarara, Uganda in another two.

I am enjoying being back here in Bunia after having two brief stays here last year. And after having spent the month of March with Mozart, Sephora and the rest of the Congo team in Australia, I am very much enjoying seeing my friends again.

Suz and I have been having French lessons and are trying to pick up some Swahili along the way. We are learning very important phrases like “Samani unaipa maji moto kwa kwoga?” which means “Can I please have hot water for bathing?”

To be back here in Africa, even if I’m not quite ‘home’ yet, is a certain sort of homecoming. Not quite driving down Kleinig’s Hill into Victor Harbor but I love it all the same. There is a difference to life here that reminds me to be thankful to God every day for the life I’ve known and often taken for granted and also to appreciate and be thankful for the opportunity to know a simpler way of living.

I had planned to give you more photos, of the wedding we were in as part of the choir, of the wedding cake we iced and the extreme sparklers that were lit on it, of the children at the house banding together and braiding my hair, of the giant stacks on after I had blown out my plate of candles for my birthday, of many interesting, amusing and entertaining things, but as one has taken half an hour to upload (and that's before I try to upload the blog!) you will have to wait. I think next blog will wait till I am back on Ugandan soil and am typing on my own computer.

Till next time,
Be blessed

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