Thursday, January 24, 2013

Public speaking

Preaching and public speaking in general are not at the top of the list of my favourite activities and to me aren't what I'm naturally wired to do. But being here there are many more opportunities to speak than I ever had in Australia, whether it's as a token muzungu, or at a school function, or a random youth conference.

I try to pray about each of these opportunities rather than turn them down automatically which is my natural inclination. To grow personally requires me to be in uncomfortable situations. And having to speak to a crowd of four hundred people makes me very uncomfortable.

So last week saw me travel to Kanwenge District, this time not to visit our schools there, but to speak at a conference in the village of Kinoni. I was invited by our Australia HOPE International partner in the area and took with me a friend (who does this kind of thing all the time) from Mbarara. I spoke twice and while I'm not sure how it went I'm thankful for the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone.

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The church and some of the very young ‘youth’. A photo opportunity with some of the pastors. Joshua and Elijah his interpreter preaching up a storm.

So, stepping up to this challenge has inspired me to take more opportunities this year, not just to speak, but to do things that will challenge me, stretch me and help me grow in my relationship with Jesus.

Be blessed this week


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