Friday, March 15, 2013

A lesson in Runyankore

According to my source of all wisdom, Wikipedia, Runyankore, or any of it's other seven names, is a language spoken as a native language by some 2.3 million people. Seeing as it is relatively limited in it's use it's maybe not the most practical language for me to be learning but I'm giving it a go. Although the words 'twelve noun classes' do scare me a little bit.

One of the best ways to see what you've learnt is to be able to teach, so here is your lesson.

Erizooba nagyezaho kureeba ekizibu niki aha computer.

Today I tried to see what the problem was with the computer.


No problem.

Ninza aha offici.

I am going to the office.

Oraregye. Tureebane nyenkyekare.

Goodnight. See you tomorrow.

Nibanyeta Bron, nindu ga Australia, nintura Boma, Mbarara.

I am called Bron, I come from Australia, I live in Boma, Mbarara.


It's amazing.

Nohandiika ebaruha aha computer.

I wrote a letter on the computer (I wrote an email).

Yebare kuteeka.

Thankyou for cooking.


Mukama akuhe omugisha


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