Thursday, January 10, 2013

A moment of silence

Or Christmas Day/Pipers Piping, Drummers Drumming and a whole lot of fun.

You may or may not have noticed my absence.

It's been more than two weeks and it's been a whirlwind. I was so blessed to have my friend Suz come and stay with me for two weeks after her time in DR Congo. Instead of rushing back home to her family, she stayed with me in Mbarara and had a look around some of the Australia HOPE International projects here. I was also then doubly blessed to have another friend, Bonnie, who is doing her Uni placement in Mbale (eastern Uganda), come and stay for a week over New Year's.

Although Bonnie wasn't yet with us, the highlight of my 'holidays' was the three nights spent camping in a tent in the village with Pastor Willy's extended family over Christmas. I really loved it. Hanging out and talking. Eating too much food. Getting jiggers. I am so blessed to be part of this Ugandan family.

I have a heap of photos that will today be more interesting than my words. So, like my now quiet apartment, I'll be silent and once again let the pictures do the talking.



Oops! Forgot to mention okapis, dead goats, mango eating rabbits, jackfruit, surviving water planing on mud while driving home from Ebenezer HOPE Nursery and Primary School, making paper beads with women in Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Bonnie cooking us pumpkin and lentil soup with home grown pumpkin given to us by Mama Emma and her two boys, also cooking maize given to us by Mama Emma in the frypan with butter, trying to see fireworks from my patio and failing, epic bus journeys, epic car journeys, crusades, boda rides, lunch at the boys house, helping Moses cook, cups of tea and peanut butter/choc Oreos.


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