Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Babies can change the world

After writing last weeks post 'When I am inadequate', it got me thinking about maternal and infant health and their impact on the world we live in. I'm a sucker for stats, especially when they have pretty charts to go with them, so I went to my favourite stats guy, Hans Rosling, for what is always an entertaining and informative look at the state of the world through data. If you are interested check out for videos of presentations done by Hans and a whole bunch of other information. In particular check out Religions and babies for a look at population growth in the world and what part religion plays in the number of babies born.

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Basically in a nutshell (for all those who don't care for stats and won't ever look at the video), the video looks at the fact that the highest population growth happens in those countries that have the lowest income and the highest child mortality rate and highest number of births per woman. Despite the high child mortality rate, these countries populations continue to grow at a rapid pace due to the large families produced. The fourth Millennium Development Goal talks about reducing child mortality by two thirds from the year 1990 to 2015. Hans suggests that this is the first of four factors that will help in reducing world population growth.

Factors to decreasing world population growth:

  1. Children survive childhood (if children survive childhood the birth rate actually reduces)
  2. Children are not needed for work (and the deepest poverty where children are required to work in the home to help provide for the family)
  3. Women get education and join the labour force (I'm not sure how accurate this is but I have heard that for every year of secondary schooling a girl has, she will produce one less child)
  4. Family planning is accessible

Now why all this info? Basically because last week a baby died. She was not a statistic. She was someone's daughter. And every one of the almost 7 million children under the age of five who died last year were all someone's son or daughter. And every one of the children in our HOPE schools here in Uganda and DR Congo are also someone's children. Around 2000 children we are able to reach through providing an opportunity to receive education. Around 2000 children who are not at home digging in the garden. Around 2000 children who will play a part in the reduction of world population growth, which will also see the sharing of global resources more equitably.

Why do you care? Because you have an opportunity to do something to help. Our HOPE schools rely on funding through sponsorship and donations from those who take an interest in what we do.

So, as always

Be blessed


P.S. My amazing friend, HOPE Partner and part of my family here in Uganda, Pastor Willy Tumwine, is in South Australia for almost five weeks and if you would like to catch him speaking his schedule is below (contact through the website for more details).


30th Sept


Murray Bridge Christian Family Centre

30th Sept 2pm

Hills Christian Family Centre, Nairne

7th Oct 10am Mt Gambier
14th Oct 10am

Southern Gateway Community Church, Victor Harbor

14th Oct 6pm

NOVA, Murray Bridge Christian Family Centre

21st Oct 10am

Coast and Vines, Willunga

28th Oct 9am

Seaton Christian Family Centre

28th Oct 3pm Australia HOPE International AGM, Murray Bridge Christian Family Centre

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