Thursday, December 6, 2012


I type this as I sit on my small balcony at my new place listening to some tunes. It's raining but I'm sheltered and apart from being able to see into the next door neighbours back windows, I feel like I'm in my own little world. I've slept here for two nights now and managed to 'cook' couscous for dinner last night. I was so thankful for the small jar I inherited from another Aussie who is leaving Uganda this week. So with my kettle, bed, plastic stool and various other bits and pieces I've set myself up a little home, including a small vegie garden.


It's been such a blessing to have lived for so long with Willy and Anne and the kids, all last year and the three months I've been back this year. I have learnt so much through living with this amazing family. About culture, about hospitality, about being flexible, about life, about love. I have learnt how to wash my own clothes, to peel matoke, to cook pork, to light a charcoal stove. Hopefully, with all that I have taken away, I have managed to also give something.

Our Australia HOPE International partners, including Pastor Willy, are incredibly generous people and I am so thankful to be a small part of this organisation. Hopefully for some time to come.

It's almost Christmas, so if you are wondering how you can be a blessing to someone this year, we are selling gift cards that buy essential items and small business opportunities for someone living in poverty here in Africa. A mattress for a family that has none, chickens for a small business, a bike to make transport for a village pastor easier. We also have beads and other items for sale, made by refugee women and others living in poverty.

If you are interested in buying any of these or just want to make a donation to HOPE go to the website or ring +61 8 8188 0398.



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