Sunday, December 16, 2012

Turtle Doves

Just had a Christmas memory flashback. The John Martins Christmas Pageant.

I'm not sure it was a tradition but I know at least one year we stopped off at Bertie's for pancakes after it was all over. Thinking back I'm sure my parents were just trying to avoid the traffic jam out of the city, but I for one am thankful, after all, more than twenty years on, I still remember those pancakes with icecream.

I remember riding on Nipper and Nimble, the rocking horses that were ridden by Christmas fairy princesses in the pageant, in the Magic Cave (you know - where Santa lives after hopping off the sleigh at the end of the parade). I remember lining up to get my photo taken with Santa and put in my order for what I wanted for Christmas. I remember how beautifully it was all decorated and how it seemed like Christmas could be in winter despite the high thirty degree weather.

I guess it's not surprising that thinking back most of my Christmas memories aren't really centred around the central theme of Christmas, Christ. Food, family, parties, presents. These feature highly.

I'm thankful for these memories. They remind me of good times, of spending time with family, of hanging out with friends.

But I'm also thankful, in fact, much more thankful, that Jesus Christ came for me. That He loves me. And that I get to spend every day with Him.

This is why I love Christmas.



Don't forget to order your Australia HOPE International Christmas gift cards from, helping others this Christmas.

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