Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gold Rings

I'm just a little happy at the moment because my lovely friend Suz has come back from DRC to hang with me for a couple of weeks before heading back home to Australia. Which means that I have my first house guest and she will be spending Christmas and New Year's with me, which means it should be a lot of fun. We've just spent some time in Kampala and for the first time in a while I felt like a tourist as we took a few photos together in and around the city. We're now back in Mbarara and I'm thinking that the next couple of weeks will be pretty busy as we visit our Australia HOPE International projects as well as celebrate the holidays.

It's late (putting up curtains for the lounge where Suz is sleeping took longer than I thought) but it's still Wednesday so, so far, I am keeping up to date with my daily blogging schedule (which is quite a bit harder than once a week!).

Enjoy a few of our tourist moments.


On the back of a boda in the city, having our photo taken with Santa, riding double and eating grasshoppers.



Don't forget to order your Australia HOPE International Christmas gift cards from, helping others this Christmas.

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